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Time for a change? No To Naramowice!
Time for a change? No To Naramowice!
Meet No To Naramowice: an intimate housing estate surrounded by greenery
Meet No To Naramowice: an intimate housing estate surrounded by greenery
Here you will find carefully designed, beautiful buildings, lots of greenery and a location that will be appreciated by anyone who cares about the proximity of the campus and recreational areas. See what you can expect at Maków Polnych Street:
6 buildings
93 apartments
1-4 rooms
30,5-99 m2
underground parking and parking spaces scattered thorought estate
The estate will consist of six 4-story buildings with a total of 93 apartments. Floor areas ranging from 30 to 99 m2 guarantee that both those looking for a quiet, green haven, perfect for a family, as well as investors, might find the offer attractive.
An underground garage and parking spaces within the estate will be available for use by the residents of No To Naramowice.
An underground garage and parking spaces within the estate will be available for use by the residents of No To Naramowice.
More than apartaments: a haven
The common spaces of No To Naramowice were designed to create a quiet enclave. Hence the emphasis on greenery inside the estate area and maintaining comfortable distances between buildings.
The apartments on the ground floor have gardens adjacent to them. All upper-floor apartments have balconies.
The apartments on the ground floor have gardens adjacent to them. All upper-floor apartments have balconies.
Daily commute? Easy-peasy
Both people with cars and those who use public transit on a daily basis or choose to commute by bike will be able to conveniently commute from Maków Polnych Street to the Poznań downtown and beyond. Parking spaces within the estate will make life easier for car owners, while the proximity of bus stops (and, in the future, also tram stops) will allow for easy use of public transport.
On site there is going to be
approx. 96 bicycle stands.
20 minutes do the city centre
bike trips along the banks of the Warta River
2 bus stops and a planned tram route
20 minutes walk to the Morasko Campus
On site there is going to be
approx. 96 bicycle stands.